At St. Peter’s Primary, we provide a broad, ambitious and inclusive curriculum for all our children, placing disadvantaged and SEN pupils at the heart of our offer. Our curriculum is built around Chris Quigley’s Essentials curriculum, while also embracing our local context, Christian vision and values and the needs and interests of our curious, creative children.

Structured and sequenced using concepts, contexts and milestones, our curriculum identifies the substantive and disciplinary knowledge that all children need in order to take full advantage of the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. To ensure that our children know more and remember more, we have developed a way of assessing progress which enables pupils to apply their knowledge creatively, demonstrating a deep understanding of the key concepts they have learnt in each subject from Reception to Year 6. We also work hard to engage and inspire our pupils by incorporating a range of high-quality texts into our curriculum to support teaching and learning in every subject. Our use of these texts extends and enhances children’s substantive knowledge and subject-specific vocabulary while also vastly strengthening their reading ability. A range of visits and visitors, including residential trips, complete our curriculum, providing all children with a wide range of character-building experiences which they may not otherwise encounter in their primary years.

Together with our staff, governors, pupils, parents and local community, we aim to provide a curriculum for the future at St. Peter’s which is real, relevant and lived out in all our daily lives.

Please click on the links below to find out more about our curriculum. If you would like any further details or information, please contact us.