Mrs Ruth MacMullen
Co-opted Governor - Chair of Governors - 2020 to 2024
"I have enjoyed the privilege of being a governor at St Peter’s for the last 8 years and I am very pleased and proud to continue to take the role as Chair of the Governing body. Over my time as governor I have taken part in a number of duties as directed by the governing body as a whole and also from Telford and Wrekin. These include training in safer recruitment, Taking the Chair and work around our vision and values.. Although we are very proud of our fantastic school and nursery which provide a wonderful, nurturing environment for our children, there are always things to improve on and the opportunity to learn from others is invaluable. I have also joined the National Governance Association to widen my knowledge and draw of guidance from others in the same role. While acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher and school leadership team, I feel able to challenge and support them in providing the best education for the children. As parents of two girls, in Y9 and Y11, we have enjoyed seeing and being part of their school life as they’ve moved through St Peter’s and on to secondary school. They still hold the values learned at St Peter's of resilience, kindness and enthusiasm for learning. I hope that, as a governor, I can continue to promote and support this ethos."
Teaching & Learning (Chair & Clerk)
Link Governor for SEND
Link Governor for Communication (English & French)
Link Governor for Pupil Premium
Headteacher Performance Management