The aim of the Governing body here at St. Peter's is to work with the staff in helping the children to achieve their full potential in a happy and caring environment.
We work with the school to achieve this in four key ways:
- Alongside the staff we continually monitor and evaluate the performance and progress of our children;
- Working closely with our staff we help to support them to teach and care for our children;
- As part of the leadership and management team we help to decide on how the resources of the school can best be utilised;
- Together with the Headteacher we strategically plan to ensure the performance of our children and school continue to grow.
To deliver this effectively, our Governing body members are representative of all the key stakeholders involved in our school – parents, staff, the Local Authority and the community. Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing body and LA governors are appointed by the Local Authority. Parent and staff governors are elected, all serving for a term of four years.
We meet together at least four times a year as a full Governing body, and hold half termly committee meetings. Through these meetings, the governing body fulfils its role, supports the school, and where necessary, is a "critical friend" as well as making regular visits to the school on both formal and informal occasions.
As a Governing body and a school we are always keen to hear your views, so please feel free to contact us. This can be done by emailing [email protected]